Following a successful debut in Miniso stores across Asia, the Miniso x Harry Potter collection has now officially launched in North America. This highly anticipated collaboration features hundreds of carefully selected items catering to fans of the beloved series. The collection includes visually striking keychains, themed drinkware and a range of accessories, all designed to reflect the magical world of Harry Potter.
Additionally, the collection offers iconic moments from the film, such as Harry’s birthday cake and the magical King’s Cross platform, as well as lifestyle products related to the magical home. We communicate the appeal of the series with a wide range of lineups, including not only accessories but also stuffed animals and fragrances.
Additionally, this collaboration highlights the enduring popularity of Harry Potter and opens up endless possibilities for Warner Bros. Through partnerships like this, Miniso not only delights enthusiasts, but also strengthens the cultural importance of this iconic series.
Image credit: Miniso / Warner Bros.