As an interior decorator, there are some items I never buy at West Elm. Instead of buying wall art from a retail store, look for work by local painters. The faceted brass drinks table in the store doesn’t seem to be sturdy, so I’ll look for a better alternative.
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As an interior decorator, I know West Elm is a great place to buy quality furniture and unique pieces. The retailer has more than 100 stores in the United States and is known for its contemporary decor and sustainable products.
However, investing in good home decor and furniture can be expensive. Americans spend nearly $1,600 a year on decorating, according to a 2023 Opendoor survey of 1,022 U.S. homeowners.
That’s why it’s important to consider factors like quality and durability when investing in items for your space.
I like West Elm, but there are some items in this store that I wouldn’t pick up for myself or my customers. Here are eight things you should avoid buying at retail stores.