Recently, I wrote an article about teachers sharing all the things their baby boomer parents “did right” that Millennials are forgetting, and it was actually pretty positive.
Even as adults, we often feel the urge to call mom or dad for advice, whether it’s managing life in our own apartment for the first time or dealing with our own child’s strange behavior. there is. So I thought it might be a good idea to ask a question. “What is the most effective parenting or housekeeping hack you ever learned from your parents?”
Maybe your mom advised you to wipe down the shower every time you use it, or taught you to clean up crumbs every time you cook. That way, by the time you’re done cooking, your kitchen will already be clean. Please give me that hint!
Andriy Lysenko/Getty Images
Maybe you grew up in a household where you didn’t wear shoes in the house, so the floors are always very clean. Some were not so lucky!
Mirjan Ivcovi/Getty Images
Perhaps you received great parenting advice from your own mom or dad. For example, getting into the habit of reading aloud to your children and knowing when to pick your battles. Please let us know in the comments!
Virin Visual/Getty Images
Whatever comes to mind, please share it below. People love hearing these kinds of stories. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to check out this Google Form. Your insights may be shared in a future BuzzFeed Community post.