Unfortunately, you’ve come across stories like this before…
The men who lead religious congregations are insidious, have downright creepy attitudes, and are not on the right track.
And the guy you’re about to read about is actually something else!
Are you all ready?
Let’s see what happened!
“I used to be a very religious person.
At the end of that period of my life, I became involved with a new church pastored by a charismatic young pastor. At first glance, everything seemed to be going well with the pastor.
There was a big problem.
But he was greedy. Too greedy. As the saying goes, “Pigs get fat, pigs get slaughtered.” Reverend Hogg was brutally murdered.
My wife and I were looking for a church.
An old friend invited us to a new church. It was lively and full of friends.
We began attending regularly and eventually became involved with church leaders.
After a while, I started to feel anxious around the pastor.
His way of communicating with people made me uncomfortable.
I gradually realized that he was manipulative and a compulsive liar.
They respond quickly to glowing compliments, but are slow to explain themselves when problems arise.
It started with small things like mass lifting sermons from the internet without doing any personal research.
And every entry-level part-time job he started when he couldn’t afford to pay a full-time salary to a small church had a habit of getting him fired without a good explanation as to why.
This guy was rough.
Soon, sermons demanding church members give more money became frequent.
After that, he refused to look for part-time work.
This was despite the fact that he lived in a much nicer house than other church members (gifted to him by members of his previous church) and appeared to lead a very comfortable life. It is.
My wife and I eventually took over the church’s finances.
We were appalled by our frivolous spending and mounting credit card debt at exorbitant interest rates.
I started poring over my credit card statements. Some of them date back several years.
It was crazy.
Cash withdrawals by credit card, apparently personal expenses are being charged to the church.
$200 for a Christmas Eve massage?
Why is he putting his wife’s last-minute Christmas gift on his church card?
Then one day I turned on my church computer and the Messenger app launched.
After two clicks, a message to the women appeared. In it, he invites a woman to come see him at his very legitimate business office in a shiny high-rise building, a small office he had recently rented for 10 cents from a church (the church was between buildings). (At that time) I came to sit on him.
When I confronted him about the message, he became enraged and admitted that he had never sent the message, had never done so before, and that it was just a lack of thought.
He said he would cut it out. No big deal.
I believed him and didn’t tell anyone.
A few months later, a young unmarried musician from the church became pregnant.
He made a fuss about it and kicked her out.
After all, in his opinion, the devastation of sin could not be exhibited in his church.
Wait, what?
Things were getting worse and worse.
Petty lies turned into more elaborate lies, mostly about how the church’s money was spent, but also about what he was doing all the time.
Things got out of hand.
I sat down with him and his wife and went through his credit card statement line by line and calculated the fees the church would pay.
In other words, “I can’t pay for my wife’s Christmas massage.”
Wife: “What? He didn’t give me a massage. We can’t afford that.”
Once again, one Sunday morning, I turned on my church computer and discovered that all of my internet history had been erased.
I became suspicious, and after speaking with several church leaders, I began monitoring the traffic on the computer (which belonged to the church).
Because he was a church employee, the church had the right to monitor his computer. )
Within days, it became clear that he was cruising the internet looking for hookers.
To his credit, he seemed to be looking for an older discount prostitute.
He had a church-issued cell phone and I had access to his account. A quick check confirmed the pattern.
Hit the prostitute ad and call the corresponding number.
1 minute call.
Another ad, another number, another minute, repeating, calls lasting more than a few minutes, then no more calls for a day or two.
Over the course of 7 days, there were 4 different episodes that followed the same pattern.
When I looked into his past phone records, I discovered he had been doing the same thing for years.
When and shortly after I caught him pretending to be a perfectly legitimate successful businessman on a messaging app.
He lied to my face, pretended to be repentant, and I swallowed it whole. I felt like a complete fool.
I checked on him during work hours.
He was not in the church office (he is currently in the church building).
He was not at home with his wife.
She said he was at church. no.
This was really ugly.
Do you feel guilty about the large number of people who look up to you to give you more money while spending all kinds of money with prostitutes?
Beat up prostitutes with your phenomenal business while kicking out an unlucky pregnant teenager for cheating?
Would you like to pay for your Christmas shopping at 20% compound interest?
I can’t forgive it.
I collected and organized all the records I could get my hands on.
Excel spreadsheet with times and phone numbers.
The ad printout includes a full color photo.
List of suspicious credit card charges. Color coordinated and matched.
It was an impeccable record that even the most ridiculous liar could not explain.
I reached out to church leaders and shared my findings. We called a meeting and confronted him.
He immediately went into damage control.
He resigned on the spot and begged us not to tell his wife or anyone else.
Sorry, hey!
no way. I sent his masterpiece to his wife and explained it to her.
Every time he taught her a lie, I used raw data to correct her.
She kicked him out, filed for divorce, and left the state.
The church was dissolved.
He disappeared and eventually filed for bankruptcy.
I haven’t been to church since.
I still google his name from time to time.
Years later, I found out that he was working at a lower level in a church somewhere.
Every time I checked he was at a different church.
I was tempted to dust off the destruction folder, but I think he’s been through enough. ”
Let’s see the readers’ reactions.
This reader asked a good question…
Another person was also impressed.
This Reddit user offered some advice.
Another Reddit user also had a lot to say.
And this person didn’t hold back.
Don’t do as I say, do as I say…
Or something like that…
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who took revenge on a coworker who kept valuing his work suspiciously low.
Category: Story
Tags: · cheating, crooked, immoral, lifestyle, pastor, photo, professional revenge, reddit, religion, revenge, stealing, top