Priceline recently announced that it is adding voice technology to Penny, its artificial intelligence (AI)-powered travel assistant. Penny Voice is one of the first products to use OpenAI’s real-time API, powered by GPT-4o, and promises “customized conversational agents.”
Using multimodal technology, Penny Voice “listens” and understands complex consumer requests and anticipates needs based on preferences and past interactions. Respond in real time with hotel, restaurant, activity, and destination recommendations.
Our analysis: Priceline says Penny Voice is “as easy as having a conversation.” How is Travel Advisor different?
Priceline says that with the introduction of Penny Voice, “booking travel will be as easy as having a conversation.” Human travel advisors already offer this service, but advisors need to think of additional ways to differentiate their services from AI travel assistants that are getting smarter, more convenient, and louder every day. That’s clear.
In addition to investing in personal relationships with customers, advisors are making their services more personalized, convenient, and accessible to customers as consumers become accustomed to quick and easy customized travel solutions. You also need to think about how to do it.
What they say: Penny Voice provides a continuous feedback loop for further enhancement
“With Penny Voice, we are further redefining the way people plan and book travel,” said Priceline CEO Brett Keller. “Our collaboration with OpenAI includes a continuous feedback loop that allows us to rapidly innovate and enhance, literally bringing Penny to life. I’m very proud.”