(WIFR) – Winnebago County Democrats and Republicans will be pushing to the end as they make their final pitch in hopes of swaying undecided voters.
As the election deadline approaches, local party leaders insist the campaign is not over yet.
Charlie Lasconis, chairman of the Winnebago County Democratic Party, is focusing more on the party’s candidates, hoping to connect with people who are still undecided. He said party volunteers are tired but their fight is as strong as ever.
“Every vote counts this time, so go out and vote. We need you to get there, we need you to show up and do your part as citizens of this community. We need to fulfill our mission,” Laskonis says.
Winnebago County Republican Party Chairman Paul Hoffman said the race for the White House is lively, but the focus is on local races. He explains that nearly 10% of voters he has spoken to are undecided about local elections.
“What we’re trying to get across is that we’re a common-sense party and we’re listening to their concerns. The big thing we’re trying to dispel is that people don’t like Republicans. “That’s the image I have,” says Hoffman.
Both parties say the coming weeks will be filled with door-to-door canvassing, phone calls and various events in hopes that victory is within sight.
“On election night, we’re going to have a big party at the IBEW club. It’s our victory party,” Laskonis says.
As for Hoffman, “I’m going to celebrate some wins at Francesco’s,” he says.
Both parties have shared that they have a number of upcoming events planned to get their messages across to voters. Leaders said they would not stop until the final votes were counted.
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