Hello, I’m Diesel! I ended up here after a hilarious incident involving a squirrel, a skateboard, and a ton of peanut butter. To make a long story short, I mistook a squirrel for my best friend and chased it on my skateboard, rolling it through a peanut butter factory. You should have seen the mess! But, I don’t just laugh. If you’re looking for a smart, playful, goofy companion, I’m your dog! Visit us at the Good Shepherd Humane Society Adoption Center located at 6486 Highway 62 West, Eureka Springs, seven days a week from noon to 5 p.m. The adoption center phone number is 479-253-9188. Submitted photo Hello, this is Diesel! I ended up here after a hilarious incident involving a squirrel, a skateboard, and a ton of peanut butter. length…
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