Elon Musk reacts after California state officials reject SpaceX’s request to increase launch frequency. The state Coastal Commission on Thursday rejected the request from the U.S. Space Command. Some committee members expressed concerns about Musk’s politics.
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Elon Musk is taking legal action after a California state commission reportedly cited his politics in denying SpaceX’s request to increase the frequency of launches from the state’s central coast. He threatened to take it.
The California Coastal Commission on Thursday voted 6-4 against the U.S. Space Force’s request to allow SpaceX to increase the number of Falcon 9 rocket launches at Vandenberg Space Force Base from 36 to 50 a year. I voted against it.
In a video of the meeting viewed by Business Insider, Commissioner Gretchen Newsom raised specific concerns about Musk’s political posts and working conditions at SpaceX before Thursday’s vote.
“Elon Musk flies around the country spewing political falsehoods and tweeting and attacking FEMA while claiming he wants to help hurricane victims with free Starlink internet access,” she said. Ta.
“The focus appears to be on maximizing profits rather than prioritizing the well-being of SpaceX’s employees and the environment,” she added.
In response to Newsom’s statement, Commission Chair Caryl Hart said, “Some may argue that he’s bringing in politics, but the U.S. government is involved in this, and the Coastal Commission is involved.” “This is to some extent a political issue because of the involvement.”
Hart said he greatly appreciates the Space Force’s efforts, but said they are “doing business with a company whose top executives are active participants in the presidential campaign.”
Musk responded to a Politico article about the commissioner’s comments, writing to It doesn’t matter!” he wrote.
“I will file a lawsuit against them on Monday for violating the First Amendment,” he wrote, adding, “Courts are closed on Monday, so it will be Tuesday.”
The commission, which aims to protect California’s coasts and oceans, also agreed that SpaceX and the military would classify launches as federal activities and exempt the company from obtaining permits to conduct them. I didn’t.
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Commissioners argued that since SpaceX is primarily a private company, it must obtain its own permits.
“It is imperative that SpaceX apply for a CDP,” Hart said of the coastal development permit, adding, “In my opinion, there is no other path forward.”
Some members took the opportunity to praise the military’s recent efforts to work with the staff on environmental issues. The committee also noted serious concerns about the potential impact on the local environment caused by the rocket’s sonic boom.
Dr. Ravi Chaudhary, assistant secretary of the Air Force, said during the hearing that the Space Force remains committed to protecting the coastline and local coastal life.
Business Insider has reached out to both the California Coastal Commission and SpaceX for comment.