Janhvi Kapoor has become a household name in Bollywood in a career spanning over six years. Apart from choosing meaty roles in movies, the actress also spreads her charm with her stunning face. The Vladi star has glowing skin and flaunts it well on her Instagram handle. The most striking part of Janhvi’s face is her beautiful deep eyes that remind us of her late mother, iconic actress Sridevi. If you want to know Janhvi’s beauty secrets, here are some of the gorgeous actress’s homemade methods for glowing skin.
Janhvi Kapoor believes in keeping her skin fresh and glowing. However, she opts for treatments that can be organized or prepared at home. Here are some of her do-it-yourself (DIY) tips to get glowing skin like hers. Let’s dig deeper.
Janhvi Kapoor’s 5 Homemade Remedies for Buttery Smooth Skin
1. Steam for 3 minutes
Janhvi Kapoor washes her face with cold water and soaks in steam for three minutes to open her pores. In a video for Kush Magazine, Janhvi revealed that the actress uses this skincare routine when she doesn’t feel like wearing makeup.
2. Use leftover fruit, honey, and yogurt
Janhvi Kapoor’s beauty secret isn’t expensive creams, it’s leftover fruits from breakfast. Yes, I’m not kidding. In an earlier interview with Vogue India, Janhvi revealed that the actress applied leftover fruit on her face to make her skin glow. Her sister Khushi also does the same DIY facial. They also apply honey and malai on their skin. “We would cover our faces with whatever was left over from breakfast. I use honey, malai, whatever is available,” the Dhadak star said.
3. Apply orange scrub on your face to remove tan.
Janhvi Kapoor also uses orange in her skin care routine. Janhvi rubs the fruit cut in half on her face and applies orange juice on her face. This will help remove tan from her skin. Janhvi told the magazine that her mother Sridevi advised her to use yogurt and honey on her skin, but later she improvised and now adds mashed banana to the mixture. Ta.
4. Apply ice or cold water to your face after your gym session.
Janhvi Kapoor, a fitness enthusiast, frequently visits the gym. Her workout sessions mainly include strength training and Pilates. After returning from the gym, Janhvi applies ice or cold water to her face to close the pores on her skin. So, if you are a fitness fanatic, don’t forget to adopt this method to keep your skin hydrated.
5. Apply almond oil to your face
Janhvi also uses almond oil for her skin care. Her makeup artist Vardhan Nayak once told Elle that she applies almond oil to her face. Rich in vitamins A and E, this oil helps fight sun damage and uneven skin tone. Try this oil to get glowing skin. She also uses almond oil in her eye mask. Janhvi says applying oil under the eyes soothes the area and reduces puffiness.
Nayak also revealed that Janhvi uses moisturizer to keep her skin hydrated. Skin needs pampering. So why not?
So what are you waiting for? If you want to flaunt smooth and glowing skin like Janhvi, try the above-mentioned DIY tips followed by the actress.
Also read: Exclusive: Janhvi Kapoor gears up for film with Ram Charan, Suriya and Varun Dhawan in 2024