Fitness World trainers visit local nursing homes and provide exercises tailored to each participant’s ability.
Residents of Langley Senior Village can now participate in free fitness classes with expanded programming through Fitness World and Retirement Concepts Senior Living.
Following the success of the first pilot program in April 2024, the partnership has now expanded to four locations. This long-term partnership will provide free fitness classes quarterly at Rosemary Heights Senior Village, Langley Senior Village, White Rock Senior Village, and Maple Ridge Senior Village in Surrey.
Each 30-minute class focuses on low-impact sitting movements with modifications to accommodate residents of varying mobility levels. This exercise focuses on gentle stretching and mobility to give older adults access to a wide range of physical activities.
According to a report released by Statistics Canada, the average life expectancy of Canadians is approximately 81 years, and heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death. Regular physical activity plays an important role in not only extending your lifespan, but also improving the quality of your life later on.
The program diversifies seniors’ daily routines by bringing in certified trainers from Fitness World. This expert guidance allows each participant to work through exercises at their own pace while learning new techniques.
“This partnership between Fitness World and Retirement Concepts is a great fit. Our seniors love the trainers at Fitness World, especially the energy they bring to the classes,” said Laura Shanahan, Regional Sales Manager, Retirement Concepts. says Mr. “This partnership is a great way to show that we do more than just provide housing for seniors. We provide quality care, meals, companionship, and recreational opportunities that are healthy and above all fun. …and everyone, including our seniors, staff and families, appreciate their energy and enthusiasm.”
All classes are held in senior living facilities to meet residents both in terms of skill set and physical location, reducing access barriers and allowing as many seniors as possible to participate. Masu.
“We believe that fitness should be accessible to everyone, and access to fitness is a fundamental need for every individual. By partnering with community partners like Retirement Concepts, we We are able to bring needed access and appropriate fitness programs directly to underserved senior populations across Vancouver,” said Chris Smith, President and CEO of Fitness World. “Regular movement and mobility are essential for everyone, regardless of age or potential limitations. I hope that my body remains strong.”
This partnership marks the first in Fitness World’s Active Communities Initiative, which grew out of a successful pilot program. This initial program is aimed at senior communities, but the company, which has 17 gyms around the Lower Mainland, hopes to expand this model in the future to reach more underserved populations. We want to target the community.