The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is a thought-provoking narrative game about Fortuna, a witch living in exile on an asteroid. Seeking freedom, Fortuna makes a dangerous pact with a forbidden creature, the mysterious and ancient Abramar, who grants her the ability to create magically charged tarot cards.
As Fortuna, you can create your own completely unique custom tarot deck. The esoteric elements we incorporate into the design give each card different characteristics and abilities that help determine the fate of the characters you encounter. Soon, you’ll be able to take that tarot card experience out of the game and enjoy it in real life.
You can create your own fortune-telling deck without having to make a pact with a forbidden behemoth. Just like in the game, the Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood Official DIY Tarot Card Set lets you design a unique divination deck that reflects your magic and style by pasting a collection of arcana onto a series of beautiful backgrounds.
This pack includes:
20 (120mm x 70mm) cards depicting all areas of the game. A special all-purpose card featuring The Cosmic Wheel. 34 matte sticker sheets with selected symbols and arcana. The beautiful matte finish box contains a forbidden spell to summon Abramar.
If you would like to pre-order the Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood Official DIY Tarot Card Set, you can do so through this link. The set itself is expected to ship sometime in February 2025. You can also get a closer look at the set in the promotional video below.