CAMBRIA COUNTY, Pa. — On Monday night, parents learned about the digital dangers to children in Cambria County.
Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship Church held a “Parenting in a Digital World and the Dangers of Social Media” seminar to advise parents on how to help their children navigate the digital world safely.
The seminar featured discussions and materials on safe internet browsing, “technology detoxification,” and managing limits and expectations for technology use between parents and children.
The seminar will feature guest speaker Christina Avarone, author of Thriving in a Digital World, who has created guided modules and tools for schools, homeschoolers, and churches to avoid digital dangers. did.
Avallone spoke out against “digital addiction” and the use of unhealthy and unsafe technology.
“We know technology won’t advance, so how can we do it differently?” Avallone asked. “How can we take back the reins so that we can thrive so that we can look up and enjoy the world instead of letting it pass us by and looking down?”
Statistically, nine out of 10 teens believe their generation has a problem with spending too much time on the phone, Avallone said.